Welcome! I am currently a 3rd year Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. I work with Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez to build data-driven models for material property prediction across multiple length scales. These models are used in conjunction with black box optimization algorithms to design materials with bespoke properties. We are currently interested in building these models for Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Learn about this work here.

Prior to joining in the Ph.D. program, I completed my Masters degree in the same lab where I worked on developing simulation tools to study the dynamics of unfolding of large proteins. My interest in studying biomolecules grew from my undergraduate research where I worked on building pseudo-kinetic models for Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplication of DNA.

My goal is to develop tools to aid scientists in extracting insights from their data and accelerate the discovery of new materials.

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News Flash !

  1. [July 9 2024] Mentoring Bryan Zhan, a highschooler interning at PNNL for the summer. Going through the basics of Python and Machine Learning with him.

  2. [July 2 2024] Started my internship at Pacific Northwest National Lab ! Working with Dr. Jinhui Tao to develop machine learning models for designing crystal growth modifiers to yield calcite crystals with desired morphologies.

  3. [March 27 - March 29 2024] Team lead in Bayesian Optimization Hackathon for Chemistry and Materials. Worked with Maitreyee Sharma Priyadarshini, Gigi (Yiren) Wang and Jarett Ren to use BO with local GP to find Covalent Organic Frameworks (COF) with the best methane storage capacity.
    Project Description Code link

  4. [March 1 2024] Selected for round 2 in Merck Innovation Cup.

  5. [Feb 9 - Feb 10 2024] Participated in Greenhacks to come up with solutions to reduce the climate and ecological impact of commercial farming.